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Writer's pictureVirginia Helzainka

Challenge The Narcissism: Is It A Good Or Bad Influence?

Narcissism is a personality condition distinguished by an exaggerated feeling of self-importance and an insatiable desire for adulting. While it may boost confidence and ambition, it can harm relationships and overall well-being. Read this article to learn more about narcissism and its consequences.

a culture of nacissism: cell phone is a new mirror - Image by Marija Zaric
Image by Marija Zaric

Narcissism is a personality disorder in which Selfishness, coldness, entitlement, and grandiosity are traits of the personality. Narcissists frequently think they are better than other people and should be given preferential treatment. In addition, they could be conceited, narcissistic, and cunning.

The self-directedness of all sexual energy, or the libido, is referred to as narcissism from a classical psychoanalytic perspective. However, the contemporary psychoanalytic perspective regards narcissism as a defensive mechanism and an exaggerated sense of superiority (ÖZER, 2023).

According to Miller and Maples (ÖZER, 2023). They describe narcissism into two types.Grandiose and fragile.  The violent and manipulative kind of narcissism known as grandiose narcissism bases its merit on the devaluation of others.

Conversely, those who exhibit fragile narcissism are more reserved, and quiet, and suffer from an unmet need for attention. Their main traits are indifference and an exaggerated sense of self-worth. for other people.

The dark triangle theory states that people who exhibit high levels of narcissism in their interpersonal connections tend to mislead, accentuate their strengths, flaunt their appearance, try to be in charge, cut off to criticism, and concentrate on their hobbies says Jonason & Webster in (ÖZER, 2023).

In 2021 there was a TV show from Australia SBS Insight where they interviewed Kanika Batra who has NDS (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) about how they feel about being narcissistic.

Q1 - “What is it about your personality that fits in with the diagnosis (NDS) ? “

The Miss Universe answered: “What I find that fits into the diagnosis is a constant need for admiration, the constant state of boredom. But the constant boredom leads me to do really risky things I’ve just done such risky things that I don’t even understand how I’m alive and another thing that fits in is having bad impairment from being narcissistic like I will do things that give me such a great sense of validation that kind of boost my internal self-esteem. But again if my external sources run out, I cannot regulate myself and I will go into a very dark place”.

Q2 - “Can you explain how you would feel disappointed in relation to your neurotypical person?

The Author of Honey Trap answered: “A neurotypical person would see disappointment as it could lead to something better happening to them and it could lead to self-development, but for me, disappointment means that I’ve done something wrong and there is something wrong with me”.

Q3 - “Do you get offended easily? And how does that come out when you’re offended?

And she then followed up with: “I do get offended easily, so I do have like rage spiral sometimes and sometimes I just hate myself, I'm pretty hard tempered so I will burn some bridges that I don’t need to and I will do reckless and impulsive things like spend all my money or even substances sometimes”.

It is clear from Kanika Batra's open observations about her experience living with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) that the disorder causes problems that go beyond simple vanity.

The delicate balance that people with NPD have to maintain is exemplified by their persistent desire for admiration and propensity for dangerous behavior. Furthermore, dark emotional depths might result from the incapacity to obtain internal affirmation in the absence of outside sources. Rather of being a chance for improvement, disappointment turns into a personal attack, which exacerbates feelings of inadequacy. Self-destructive habits quickly follow offense, demonstrating the toll narcissism can have on mental health.

This interview highlights the darker consequences of narcissism on mental health, underscoring the significance of empathy and understanding in treating such complicated disorders, even if some people may see it as a sign of confidence or self-assurance.

What Causes Narcissism?

a scale illustration where "me" is heavier than "we" - Image by RosZie
Image by RosZie

Narcissism's precise etiology is unknown, however, a hereditary and environmental cocktail is thought to be involved. A few potential contributory elements are as follows:

  • Genetics

Studies indicate that both environmental factors and genetic makeup influence narcissistic traits. Some people may be more prone to particular psychological traits, such as grandiosity or a drive for dominance, due to specific genetic differences. These genetic predispositions do not, however, ensure the emergence of complete narcissism.

  • Early life experiences

Experiences in early life have a profound influence on how people view themselves. Parenting philosophies may be quite important. An inflated sense of self-importance can be fostered by excessive praise and adoration that lacks real connection and emotional reinforcement. In contrast, severe criticism, abuse, or neglect can result in low self-esteem and a persistent desire for approval from others—characteristics that are frequently linked to narcissism.

  • Past Trauma

Childhood trauma, including physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or loss, can cause lasting damage to a growing person's mental health. Narcissism occasionally manifests as a coping strategy, a protective barrier designed to ward off additional suffering and vulnerability.

In Australia, researchers commonly agree that the most impactful thing that causes narcissism is invalidation mostly around children. According to the definition of validation used in this work, abnormal socialization of cognition and emotion occurs when these processes are socialized to communicate personal experiences in a way that is either inappropriate or excessive.

Negative personality traits have been linked to invalidation because they hinder children's ability to learn how to control their emotions and solve problems. As a result, children's personalities become more reliant on social cues to guide their thoughts and behavior. Vulnerable narcissism and its functional impairment are said to be strongly correlated with validation (Cui, 2023).

Social Media Induced Narcissism 

a narcissism habit on social media bubble illustrated byImage by rawpixel
Image by rawpixel

Nowadays people want to be famous fast, and thanks to social media they can make it happen. But sadly many people want to become famous by doing ridiculous things such as doing some public pranks, provoking other people, or even making videos with content that is immoral for some audience.

We already know that most of them are doing it because of fame and money. But what they don’t realize is the growing of bad influence of social media on the future generation. Social media was made for people to connect easily but now social media has become a threat to future generations because of its bad influence.

According to research that was done in 2017 about social media. It says after adjusting for fundamental socio-demographic variables, narcissism was found to have a small-to-medium-sized influence and was positively correlated with the notion of compulsive social media use. And now we all can see in our social media that many so-called influencers are giving unethical content just to gain views and wealth.

Benefits of Narcissism

Although we learn narcissism is bad for our psychological well-being there are some benefits that we can gain by becoming narcissistic. According to (Campbell & Campbell, 2009) the benefits of becoming narcissistic are divided into which are for your good and other people:

For your own:

  • Positive self-views Positive self-views

  • The positive effect of Celebrity status

  • Emotional rush Unrestricted sociosexuality

  • Dating Success

  • Likeability

  • Emergent leadership

  • Resource extraction from the environment

  • Resilience to negative feedback

  • Success in Public

For other people:

  • Excitement in Relationship

  • Satisfaction

  • Emergent leadership

Narcissism may be advantageous to an individual and their relationships with others, bringing with it benefits such as elevated self-perceptions and success in social and professional domains.

Furthermore, the thrill and fulfillment that come from being in a relationship with a narcissist emphasize how complex interpersonal interactions are.

Image by  user18526052 on Freepik
Image by user18526052 on Freepik

Recognizing narcissism's positive aspects encourages a more nuanced view of this complex personality characteristic and its consequences for psychological well-being and social relationships, even if caution is still necessary while navigating the potential pitfalls of this trait.

We are more equipped to handle narcissism's difficulties when we comprehend its complexity. Developing good coping techniques and getting professional therapy can be life-changing for people who are dealing with narcissistic tendencies.

Narcissistic conduct can have negative social implications, but these can be lessened by encouraging young people to think critically and by supporting the ethical use of social media. We can make the atmosphere more caring and welcoming for everyone if we recognize the effects of narcissism and take deliberate action to combat it.

Written by Mochamad Afi Adani

Edited by Virginia Helzainka


Andreassen, C. S., Pallesen, S., & Griffiths, M. D. (2017). The relationship between addictive use of social media, narcissism, and self-esteem: Findings from a large national survey. Addictive Behaviors, 64, 287–293.

Campbell, W. K., & Campbell, S. M. (2009). On the self-regulatory dynamics created by the peculiar benefits and costs of narcissism: A contextual reinforcement model and examination of leadership. Self and Identity, 8(2–3), 214–232.

Cui, X. (2023). The Impact of Parenting on Later Development of the Narcissistic Trait. Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, 8, 181–186.

ÖZER, İ. Ö. (2023). The role of Loneliness, Cognitive Flexibility, and Interpersonal Problem-Solving in Predicting Dark Triad Personality of University Students. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 33(1), 171–185.

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